

Services provided by Tradewind may be used for lawful purposes only. Transmission or storage of any information, data or material in violation of any United States Federal, State or City law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, material legally judged to be threatening or obscene, or material protected by trade secret laws and other statutes. The subscriber agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Tradewind from any claims resulting from the use of the service, which damages the subscriber or any other parties.


Pornography and sex-related email messages are prohibited on any Tradewind server. Tradewind will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision.

Subscribers are prohibited from transmitting on or through any of Tradewind's services, any material that is, in Tradewind's sole discretion, unlawful, obscene, threatening, abusive, libelous, or hateful, or that encourages conduct which would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any local, state, national or international law.


Spamming, or the sending of unsolicited email, using an email address, URL that is maintained on a Tradewind machine, or directing traffic to a web page that contains any reference to Tradewind is STRICTLY prohibited. Tradewind will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision. This action WILL RESULT in immediate termination of your account and in the case of an employee of Tradewind, WILL RESULT in immediate termination of your employment.


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